NEW VTLFF RESOURCE! Community Schools Framework and Resource Page

Upcoming Events and Timely Resources

Information on upcoming events is shared predominantly in VTLFF E-newsletters. Some that slip through the cracks are noted here, but please click here for the most recent network news for more timely resources!

Additional resource links: Vermont Professional Learning Collaborative Calendar, hosted by the VPA


The Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network - a statewide collective of Vermont youth making connections, sharing resources and

Vermont Youth Council - Vermont Afterschool is convening a statewide youth council that will ultimately distribute over $15,000 in grant money to fund projects developed by youth for youth.

Youth Lobby - A youth-led, statewide coalition of students working to address issues of climate change, youth voting rights and representation through “action civics.”

UVM Extension and 4H: Access a huge number of summer and school-year programs, including TRY for the Environment, Science Cafe, and the annual Youth Climate Summit.

join an action team

Design Ecosystem: Jen Cirillo (

Youth Adult Partnership: Lindsey Halman and Ana Lindert-Boyes (

Youth with Access to Learning Potential: Erubey Lopez and Beth White (

Digital Learning: Susan Hennessey (

Framing and Messaging: Kathleen Kesson (

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VTLFF Action Plan - Click through to access page 2

VTLFF Action Plan - Click through to access page 2