Education for Joy
Of the three critical Throughlines of the VTLFF systems change effort, Joy is the simplest to visualize and perhaps the most complex to realize. We know that creativity, purpose and belonging are all elements of joyful learning and living, but what are the best ways to infuse them throughout our classes, schools and communities? Here are a few resources to get us started - please share more with us!
VTLFF Partner resource spotlight
Over six days in November 2016, the Community Engagement Lab brought together five of the nation’s most experienced teaching artists, a leading researcher, and 85 committed Vermont educators, expanded learning providers and students to deepen their understanding of how creative capacity can be developed more effectively in their home towns and institutions. The Creative Capacity Guide is the product of their insights and vision
deep dives
“Look, don’t touch” by david sobel
professional learning opportunities
VTLFF Design studios
In March, 2018, VTLFF partnered with the Flynn Center for Performing Arts to host a low/no cost Professional Learning opportunity focused on cross-disciplinary integration of the arts with partnership between students, teachers, and community partners. This was one in a series of offerings focused on place-based learning that integrate personalized learning plans, flexible pathways and proficiency based graduation requirements.
Contact us for more information on partnering to bring a Design Studio to your community!