Vermont Exemplars
The following is a small collection of ambitious and important work being done across Vermont. VTLFF has collaborated with each of the following organizations and projects and is proud to share in their work. We hope you will connect, collaborate, and expand this network to promote transformative change across Vermont!
A statewide initiative to connect the promising efforts of Vermont’s Act 77 — personalized learning, flexible pathways to graduation — to that of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Recognized by the UN University as an exemplar program, CPS has partnered with hundreds students, their teachers and community partners.
Unleashing Partnerships
Up for learning
Provides training, resource development, and on-going support for a wide variety of initiatives that develop opportunities for young people to assume meaningful roles in shaping their learning and their lives.
Contacts: Lindsey Halman, Director
Burlington city and lake semester
The Burlington City & Lake Semester is an immersive semester program for Burlington High School students. At BCL, the city is the classroom, exploring the people, places, problems and possibilities of the community. The curriculum focuses on the following themes: Sense of Place, Community and Identity, Civic Engagement, Social Justice and Sustainability.
BCL Fall 2019 at the United Nations Regional Centers for Expertise in Education for Sustainability
Young Writers Project is a community of youths and mentors who love the art of writing. Our website, publications, events and workshops provide a safe and respectful environment where young people gain the ability to express themselves clearly, think creatively and discover who they are — a process that can be life-changing in both their personal and professional lives. We are based in Vermont, and welcome young writers, artists and photographers from everywhere.
YWP Contact: Susan Reid, Executive Director
PLP pathways
Created by educators, for educators,“our sole purpose is to develop professional development resources, relationships, and collaborative opportunities in support of Vermont's teachers. The site has been built by teachers who have conducted these exercises in the classroom, who have collected data based on their work, and who have collaborated in an effort to create an educationally sound, developmentally appropriate, personal learning experience for students.”
PLP Pathways Contacts: Don Taylor, Main Street Middle School and James Nagle, Middle Grades Collaborative
Vermont Agency of Education - Profile of a Vermont Graduate
Power2 Summit - Contact Harry Frank at UP for Learning for more details